Friday, July 31, 2009

What I want...

besides growth, is a steady hair regimin. I love to change things up alot and that cost money. I love being a product junkie but its burning a whole in my pocket. I keep hearing about great products and I want to try them all. I am putting a stop to it, starting with this list of prducts I want to try and like and I will put and keep in my hair regmin.

Hair Regmin
Shampoo: Dr. Bronner's Shikakia Peppermint Magic Soap

Co-Wash: Vo5 Vanilla Mint Clarifying Conditioner

Deep Moisturizing Conditioner: Elasta- QP DPR-11

Spray Refresher: Carol's Daughter Tui Leave-In

Styling: Cantu Shea Butter, World of Curls and Carol's Daughter Some of Margaret Magic

This is just the basic stuff needed for a regimen, atleast I think. I own almost all of these products except for Dr. Bronner's. I lost my cantu shea butter, so I need to re-purchase that too.


I need to set some goals for this challenge. And here they are

Apply megatek 3x a week
Reach CL (collarbone length- 2-3 inches) by Sept 24
Drink lots of water and green tea
Slow down on my product junkie-ism
Gain Shine

I will check back on this on September 24

My Wish List

I have a new wish list. I know I haven't obtained everything on my other wishlist but some of those items were kind of expensive for me. Also I'm trying to cut back on my product junkie-ism.

1. Elasta-QP DPR-11 deep conditioner: This conditioner is only for moisture, it contains no proteins or anything that acts as a protein. So this will be great for my mega tek challenge. This can be found at any local beauty supply store

2. Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Shikakai Magic Soap: This is a body soap but great for all over. This is organic and does not contain any harsh detergents. I heard so many people rave about this product, so I'll try it. (Can be found at Whole foods)

3. Bentonite Clay: I heard this stuff loosens, detangles and defines your curls. I want to try this also it detox your scalp and can be used as a mask. (Can be found at whole foods)

4. Carol's Daughter's Hair Milk: I am not the biggest fan of carol's daughter. I fond there products to be a little heavy but Hair Milk is suppose to be amazing. I'll be the judge of that. (Macy's and Carol's Daughter store)

5. IC Fanastia Gel (green label ) So many people use this stuff to enhance there curls and I don't want to be left out. But I'm keeping this on my maybe list (Found at any local beauty supply store)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hollywood Beauty: Castor Oil

This stuff is a no no, when glazing over the ingredient at the store I did not notice that this stuff contained mineral oil. I freaked out because I used half a bottle. hopefully nothing bad will happen and I threw this stuff away.
So I checked my Tea Tree Oil and no mineral oil or anything bad.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Program begins today!

Today July 25 the hair skin and nails program begins.
I have everything need to begin except I used the regular GNC's hair skin and nails instead of the program they have.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New method I tried

I only tired this method on a section of my hair and it worked amazing. I love me hair but the only problem I have with my hair is it doesn't go down and I want more defined curls. So I'm thought of a new method of washing my hair on that section, it worked so much.
Let me explain my method, First:
Do I light co-wash ( VO5 tea therapy)
Then With thicker (cheap) conditioner slick down my hair (Aussi Moist)

I slick my hair all down with the conditioner
this makes my hair goes down
then wash and try to to pick it out on move it
keep it all down
Then I apply my leave in and style gel all in a downward motion

My hair will coil up and clump up and still go down
I love the way the section came out
I will try this officially tomorrow

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Braid Out

Well I'm a newly Bc'ed and I'm desperate for length
if you didn't know already
So my new plan is to do braids because it'll be a little easier to see length

Why I love Co-washes

1. They are cheap
2. I could co wash everyday without stripping my hair
3. Shampoos suck
4. My hair doesn't get dried so quick
5. My hair is more moisturized

Monday, July 20, 2009

Baking Soda Treatment

I tried the infamous Baking soda treatment and I forgot to tell you guys bout it. Shame on me! NOW let me tell you about it. People claim that this treatment textures your hair and gives you SUPER moisture.

Let me get all SCIENCE now. When you add the conditioner to the baking soda, the baking soda soaks up all the moisture from the conditioner (but not from your hair) If you didn't know baking soda is a base. A base OPENS your hair follicles. While the follicles are open the moisture will put it deep into your hair shaft.

1/2 cup of baking soda
1 cup of aussi moist conditioner
Golf ball size of organics olive oil

Mix all together
Apply to scalp
Put a shower cap on and a towel

I left it on your and hour

The baking soda natural cleansed my hair too so I only co-washed once.

As a final rinse I did a ACV rinse on my hair because ACV is an acid and that closed the follicles shut. So this seals in the moisture.

My hair felt softer. NOT TEXTURIZED AT ALL but I only did this treatment for the moisture. The good thing is I had less bulk in the middle of my hair. Overall this was good. My hair felt soft and moisturized.
*Cation* Even though this was so good, this should only be used as a monthly treatment. More than that your hair may become over moisturized.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Join My 30 program

Yes, I would love people to follow along with me for a month and to know what you did different and to see others results. Pass this on to other hair crazed hair fanatics.
Alot of people are thinking this program is way to expensive but its not. The products I'm using are either cheap or already in my home. All you need to buy is the GNC Women's Hair Skin and Nails 30-day program and that is only 23 dollars (with a member ship its $20). I would recommend the mega tek but you can use your own growth oil. If you don't know any or just don't want to buy Mega Tek. You can go to your local pharmacy and buy Dou Grow Growth Oil. Good Luck.
Also, I'm extending the program (only for myself) for 2 months and starting next week.

Friday, July 17, 2009

One month!

Its been officially been 1 month of being natural, I got my big chop last month. You know what! IM LOVING EVERY MINUTE

I am not Patient

No I am not, I cannot wait to start the program. So as soon as I get everything on my check list I am starting that sun day. So hopefully by the end of next week I start the program. Also I decided not to cut my hair because my last cut (which was my BC) was one month ago. If you keep cutting your hair, it'll never see the length.

I tried a flour deep conditoner

IT was HORRIBLE, i mixed flour, honey, castor oil, olive oil deep conditioner and aussi moist. I mixed them all together and put it into my hair for 20 minutes. The flour got stuck in my hair. Small chunks and big chunks of flour in my hair. I co-washed 3 times nothin changed. Then I had to shampoo, the first shampoo nothin happened. After the second shampoo I gave up. It was horrible NEVER AGAIN.

Taking a Break

Since I'm doing my 30 day program, for the next 2 weeks I'm going to take a break. I am just stopping for a while because I want to start fresh.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A 30-day program!

I am doing a 30 day, hair, skin nails program, its starts augsuts 1st and ends on august 31st. The goal of this program is to gain outstanding hair, skin and nails health. Now let me explain this program ( I haven't thought of everything yet):

-Vitamins: GNC'S Women's Hair, Skin and Nails 30 day programs
This is what inspired me to begin this journey. The GNC website explains everything about this program on the website here's the link.

-Shampoo: I HATE shampoo but on the first day (and only day) I will shampoo my hair with Biolage Shampoo.

Co Wash: I will co wash my hair only on monday and wednesday, with VO5 clarfiyng tea with a teaspoon of baking soda.

Condition: Imfusium (Moistur )ologie Conditioner I need something thats very moisturizing (because I'm using mega tek)

Leave-In: I will use Imfusium (Moistur )ologie Leave in Treatment to revive 2nd day hair.

Styling: I will only use Cantu Shea Butter or Curl Activator

Oils: I only have 1/2 cup of my Africa's Best Herbal Oil and I will use that until that finishes. After that I'll use castor oil and coconut oil.

Hair Growth: I will being using mega tek but instead of using it every other day I will only use it twice. Those two days will be co wash days.

Homemade Treatments: Just to spice things up I will do a new homemade treatment. Those treatments will be Brahmi Powder,Natural Relaxer, Flour deep conditioner and Baking Soda Treatment, in that order.

Clinic: I have been using the clinic skin line for a while and I have not problem with them. I use the gel wash, moisturizer and concealer.

Oils: I will lightly moisturize my face with carrot oil at night

Homemade Treatment: I will also try a treatment once a week,Face brigthener, milk and oatmeal mask,Skin Clearing Mask, tightening skin mask and Bridal Glow Mask

My nails are fine

Doing all those things are great for the outside besides the vitamin but I will work out for atleast 15minutes and drink 1.5 liters a day.

I know average hair grows at 1/2 inches a month but since I'm doing all those things I'm hoping for alot of growth. So my realistic hair growth goal is 1 inch (but my dream hair growth goal is 2 inches)

I will follow everything on this program, the only thing I might change is the hair styling products. I own almost everything on this list (not including the ingeredents for the homemade treatments) except Gnc's women's hair skin and nails, castor oil and curl activator August 31st I will write a review.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Passport to Beauty

I went out and ordered a book and its called passport to beauty secrets and tips from around the world for Becoming a Global Goddess. Its full of hair, face, skin remedies from all over the world. So i will update my blog with these treatments

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life of a Product Junkie

Being a product junkie is tough when you're on a budget. Luckily, my mother and aunt are product junkies like me. So for this month and the next I'm going to find and make products instead of buying them. Also, being a product junkie is fun but its a waste of money too. I am hoping the next two months it'll help me cut down on my buying habits.

Friday, July 10, 2009

14th Review: Hollywood Beauty Tea Tree Oil

I haven't made a review in a while, I thought I'd make on this product. I have been finding hair products lying around the house. I never bought them, my aunt probably bought them. (My aunt is a product junkie like me.) Most of these products are half used and I need to save my money. So I've been using these. My new discovery is Hollywood Beauty Tea Tree Oil. I don't know how much it cost but I saw this in CVS, it might be stocked in other pharmacies too. The ingredients are a mix of oils, my favorite oils in the product is aloe vera and tea tree oil. I gave my scalp a nice oil and massage. After my hair felt tingly and nice. (I can't think of another word.) I really like this product while I'm being cheap. So this is a Buy Again.

Scarves not just for your neck

This isn't a secret and I'm sure most of you guys have worn a scarf around your head. I just want to promote the head wrap even more. Its just a good protective style (as long as you don't tie it to tight). You don't even need to really touch your hair when your do a head warp. Today, I did a co-washed and I didn't realize how late I was running. I didn't have time to condition and style. So I didn't know what to do with my hair. I grabbed a black scarf I bought from Walmart and I did a low bun head warp. Before I wrapped my hair I put my cantu leave in conditioner and my africa's best oils in my hair then wrapped it. Omgosh I feel that my hair got a nice condition. AND IT LOOKED CUTE.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My hair Reg

Since the big chop I had so much freedom with my hair. I can finally wash my hair as much as I want and thats a problem. I love getting my hair wet now. So I trying to make myself wait 3 days to wash my hair. Also I'm only going to wash my hair with shampoo once a month.
Evert 3 days: Co-wash

I bought VO5 Tea Therapy Clarifyinh conditioner: Vanilla mint teat
It smells soo good. I bought this at CVS but can be found all over. I only paid $1.17 plus tax, it is so cheap. So I'm going to use this as a co-wash because the texture is very light. I don't think you can get a real condition out of this product, so i would only recomend this as a co-wash product. I also add a table of baking soda because its a natural clarifyer and exfoliant.

Every other day: Mega Tek

Click the label that say mega tek on the right for further info.

Every other day: Oil ends with Afirca's Best Herbal Oil

I found this stuff in my bathroom and it was full. Also, I knew its been there for a while cause it was dusty. So I thought I could get some use out of this. Its not bad It doesn't smeel and I read the ingerdient and its full of diffrent oils. So I use to to moisturize my ends after a wash.

Every Month: Shampoo

I haven't found a good shampoo that I like yet. So, I'll keep looking but I know I'll only shampoo once. No rinse and repeat for me.

Happy Holidays

I hope everyones 4th of a July weekend was fun and everyone enjoyed themselves!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Mega Telk Update

I won't put ny visual updates until 2 months, I know that seems a long time but I want to show real proof. Anyways I was lookin at my hair that I'm watching and thats my ear. Before I started my hair stretched just reached the end of my ear. NOW! its past my ear, to you that doesn't sound to dramtic but I thinkmy hair grew almost 1/2 inch in a week!. Let me repeat 1/2 inch in a week. I might just be crazy and belive this product will work, so I might be seeing things.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

No This Isn't A Hair Post But...

My laptop died, so Iwon't be making to many post but I promise to keep every one updated. Thank you

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

13th Review: Miss Jessie's Stretch Silkening Creme

So I was in ricky's again and was looking at the miss jessie products and picked up little bottles of miss Jessie's stretch silkening creme and miss Jessie's rapid recovery. I will do a separate review on the Rapid Recovery. Now I bought this for the stretching part, which it didn't do. Maybe when I have some length maybe it will work better. Between the miss jessie's curly puddy and miss jessie stretch silkening creme, I liked the curly puddy much more. The Strecth Silkening creme wasn't as thick, creamy and sticky as the Miss Jessie's curly puddy but that what I like about the curly puddy. Also it didn't have a strong scent. But I will have to put this in the Maybe Later.

12th Review: Coconut Cream Relaxer Update

This picture was before:

This picture was after:

This picture is before:

Yes, I finally did the coconut cream relaxer and I'm making this my biggest longest review so far. If you are new to my blog I did brief review about the coconut cream relaxer. So go to the left side, and click Coconut Cream Relaxer under labels. I gave the whole synapsis about the relaxer. I the ONLY thing i will repeat is that it doesn't actually relax your hair like a chemical relaxer. It just helps with dryness and shrinkage. The only thing i changed from my recipe would be the lemon juice. I swapped the lemon juice for baking soda. Again baking soda is my new love but i still like green tea. The reason I decided to use baking soda is because of the BAKING SODA CONDITIONER TREATMENT, so i thought i could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and if it comes out nice I will continue to add it. I kept this on for 1 and 1/2 hours. A lot of people keep this on for longer but since I added baking Soda it made it more concerted , so I was a little scared to leave it on for over an 1 and 1/2 hours. While I had this mixture on my head, I had all these feelings. It might sounds cheesy but I was so nervous, and couldn't wait to see results. For the first 30 minutes I wrapped a warm towel around my head then I got hungry. For the last 20 minutes I wrapped a warm towel around my head. After I did a deep condition today I add so much moisture, only because I'm doing the mega tek.

*I don't remember if I stated this or not I only use and recommend Tropical Traditions Gold Label coconut oil and coconut cream concentrate. Here's a link So if your going to try this and you go out and buy goya or some other brand. Don't complain to me about the results.

My review: Making this was very easy. It wasn't difficult. The only thing I dislike about this product is how much the coconut oil and coconut concentrate, it was so pricey but worth it.
I do this treatment every 2 months, almost like a relaxer. BUT BY NO MEANS IS THIS TREATMENT A RELAXER. So I put this must try product in Make Again. I suggest you
try this treatment if you have shrinkage, bulk or course hair. After this treatment my hair was soft and had less bulk. I don't think it changed my curl pattern at all but that you decision to