Monday, September 28, 2009

You must buy a denman

If you are natural, you need a to buy a denman brush. I bought one yesterday and used it a few moments ago and I finally was able to detangle my hair on the top of my head. Which is a miracle. THIS IS A MUST HAVE

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bought some hair products

So I went the spa and as i'm leaving I pass a ricky's if you don't know ricky's has a bunch of natural products as well as make up and other crazy fun things. So I went in a bought some kinky curly products. I always wanted to try the curling custard and knot today and NOW I HAVE IT. Also I invested in a in a Denman brush.

Monday, September 21, 2009

New challenge

SO has everyone knows hair grows slower (or it seems like it does) in the winter time
and we can't have that
also I want to try more protective styles but I have a TWA
so I can't even get all the hair into a ponytail sooo
I what can I do
Since its winter time I can where a beanie all the time
So these are my rules
I stole some of the ideas from the 100 day hair challenge but modified it to fit my needs
Thou shalt not comb or brush thy hair more than once a week.
Thou shalt keep thy hair in protective styles at all times.
Thou shalt not use heat on thy hair.
Thou shalt not dye thy hair.
Thou shalt deep condition thy hair regularly.
Thou shalt moisturize everyday.
Thou shalt spray Leave-in on ends once per week.
Thou shalt cover thy hair with a satin scarf every night to keep the moisture locked in.
Thou shalt eat as healthily as possible and drink 8 glasses of water per day.

I'll try to follow those rules
But I will be adding a few things like treatments and other things
I will defiantly be getting a hair cut the first day of the challenge
And I will be doing the baggy method twice a weeks to keep my ends moisturized
I will also try to wash my hair once a month
and co-wash every week

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Health Store Hual

I went to the health food store today and bought to extracts
Nettle and Horsetail
They both contain silica which helps promote hair growth
I'll add this to my water and green tea

Monday, September 14, 2009

Starting a new hair challenge

I always start one but I'm going to finish this one. I have A twa so its no where nears ponytail. So I need a protective stlye and it hit me BEANIES. I love beanies but since its still hawt im not going to start this till mid fall, where I can wear a beanie and not look crazy.
It'll begin mid fall and end the begin of thats around October- February/March
I haven't thought of it in to much detail besides the Beanie
But I'm not going to fuss with my hair

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mixing and Making

I will try to make more products wit to make with all natural ingredients, it will take some time though to make everything I want. Tomorrow I will try to mix some oils of what I have.
I have Jamaican black castor oil
Coconut Oil
Peppermint EO
Lavender EO
Rosemary EO
I'll be mixing these all together

I also wanna make whipped shea butter and this refreshing spray